Install and setup of the program
How to setup the program:
Remember, you need to have Me7 logger installed on your computer.
Go to your Me7 Logger path. Where du have installed your ME7 program. F.eks c:\Me7Logger.
Just unzip the file into that folder. Its very important that my program is placed on the same directory as the ME7.
Just look for 'ME7Logger_GUI.exe'. In that folder, you should se my file 'DrageEngineAnalyzer.exe' in the same folder
Make sure that you have unzipped all the files. You should see the following files in the Me7 folder.
- DrageEngineAnalyzer.exe
- DrageEngineAnalyzerHD.exe
- Bornander UI ScrollBar (Desktop).dll
- AlarmCritical.wav
- AlarmHigh.wav
- AlarmWarning.wav
- LiveCharts.dll
- LiveCharts.Geared.dll
- LiveCharts.WinForms.dll
- LiveCharts.Wpf.dll
You are starting the program by double-click on the 'DrageEngineAnalyzer.exe' or 'DrageEngineAnalyzerHD.exe' file