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Video clips showing how the program works (some videos are abit outdated)

Video: How to setup the program by using the reset buttons

Video: How to setup the program by using the reset buttons

Video: Showing Simulating different warnings light in the dashboard

Video: How to use single graph mode as single or multi

Video: NewFeature - Use of single graph mode for touchscreen

Video: Testing different skins and adjustment of displaymode / sound

Video: Advanced playback features session

Video: Advanced playback mode - prototype version

Video: Showing selection of variables to be shown as 'After-turbo EGT'

Video: Showing selection of variables to be shown as 'After-turbo EGT'

Video: Showing calculated Mid-range average for Nm & Hp.
Works in realtime and playback mode

Video: Analyze knocking in ME7 table form, for tuners

Video: Analyze wastegate in ME7 table form, for tuners

Video: Showing how to do playback for a logfile (me7)

Video: Switching dashbaords

Video: Running Me7 in the background, while showing alarms

Video: New realtime Graph module

Video: Showing how the graph and alarm module is working

Video: Showing how to show AFR as calculated lambda.

Video: Shows how to change the theme/skins/layout setup in the program

Video: Doing a speed-test in my car. (Simulated values)

Video: Running Me7 in the background, while showing realtime data

Video: Pulling (2 times) 2nd-3rd gear on my RS4 (with sound inside car)

Im just an car enthusiast that wanted to see all the ECU data realtime, ended up creating my own pogram :)
Web-desiger: Robert Drage
Email: robert.drage@gmail.com